
Helper & Utility Methods

These methods are helpers for the Compound class and basic utilities for EVM development.

Get Address

Gets the contract address of the named contract. This method supports contracts used by the Compound Protocol.

  • contract (string) The name of the contract.
  • [network] (string) Optional name of the Ethereum network. Main net and all the popular public test nets are supported.
  • RETURN (string) Returns the address of the contract.
    console.log('cETH Address: ', Compound.util.getAddress(Compound.cETH));


Gets a contract ABI as a JavaScript array. This method supports contracts used by the Compound Protocol.

  • contract (string) The name of the contract.
  • RETURN (Array) Returns the ABI of the contract as a JavaScript array.
    console.log('cETH ABI: ', Compound.util.getAbi('cEther'));

Get Network Name With Chain ID

Gets the name of an Ethereum network based on its chain ID. This method returns information only for chains that have a Compound deployment.

  • chainId (string) The chain ID of the network.
  • RETURN (string) Returns the name of the Ethereum network.
    console.log('Goerli : ', Compound.util.getNetNameWithChainId(5));

Get Balance

Fetches the current Ether balance of a provided Ethereum address.

  • address (string) The Ethereum address in which to get the ETH balance.
  • [provider] (Provider | string) Optional Ethereum network provider. Defaults to Ethers.js fallback mainnet provider.
  • RETURN (BigNumber) Returns a BigNumber hexadecimal value of the ETH balance of the address.
(async function () {

  balance = await Compound.eth.getBalance(myAddress, provider);
  console.log('My ETH Balance', +balance);
