
Liquidation is determined by liquidation collateral factors, which are separate and higher than borrow collateral factors (used to determine initial borrowing capacity), which protects borrowers & the protocol by ensuring a price buffer for all new positions. These also enable governance to reduce borrow collateral factors without triggering the liquidation of existing positions.

When an account’s borrow balance exceeds the limits set by liquidation collateral factors, it is eligible for liquidation. A liquidator (a bot, contract, or user) can call the absorb function, which relinquishes ownership of the accounts collateral, and returns the value of the collateral, minus a penalty (liquidationFactor), to the user in the base asset. The liquidated user has no remaining debt, and typically, will have an excess (interest earning) balance of the base asset.

Each absorption is paid for by the protocol’s reserves of the base asset. In return, the protocol receives the collateral assets. If the remaining reserves are less than a governance-set target, liquidators are able to buy the collateral at a discount using the base asset, which increases the protocol’s base asset reserves.

Liquidatable Accounts

This function returns true if the account passed to it has negative liquidity based on the liquidation collateral factor. A return value of true indicates that the account is presently liquidatable.


function isLiquidatable(address account) public view returns (bool)
  • account: The account to examine liquidatability.
  • RETURNS: Returns true if the account is presently able to be liquidated.


Comet comet = Comet(0xCometAddress);
bool isLiquidatable = comet.isLiquidatable(0xAccount);

Ethers.js v5.x

const comet = new ethers.Contract(contractAddress, abiJson, provider);
const isLiquidatable = await comet.callStatic.isLiquidatable('0xAccount');


This function can be called by any address to liquidate an underwater account. It transfers the account’s debt to the protocol account, decreases cash reserves to repay the account’s borrows, and adds the collateral to the protocol’s own balance. The caller has the amount of gas spent noted. In the future, they could be compensated via governance.


function absorb(address absorber, address[] calldata accounts)
  • absorber: The account that is issued liquidator points during successful execution.
  • accounts: An array of underwater accounts that are to be liquidated.
  • RETURN: No return, reverts on error.


Comet comet = Comet(0xCometAddress);
comet.absorb(0xMyAddress, [ 0xUnderwaterAddress ]);

Ethers.js v5.x

const comet = new ethers.Contract(contractAddress, abiJson, provider);
await comet.absorb('0xMyAddress', [ '0xUnderwaterAddress' ]);

Buy Collateral

This function allows any account to buy collateral from the protocol, at a discount from the Price Feed’s price, using base tokens. A minimum collateral amount should be specified to indicate the maximum slippage acceptable for the buyer.

This function can be used after an account has been liquidated and there is collateral available to be purchased. Doing so increases protocol reserves. The amount of collateral available can be found by calling the Collateral Balance function. The price of the collateral can be determined by using the quoteCollateral function.


function buyCollateral(address asset, uint minAmount, uint baseAmount, address recipient) external
  • asset: The address of the collateral asset.
  • minAmount: The minimum amount of collateral tokens that are to be received by the buyer, scaled up by 10 to the “decimals” integer in the collateral asset’s contract.
  • baseAmount: The amount of base tokens used to buy collateral scaled up by 10 to the “decimals” integer in the base asset’s contract.
  • recipient: The address that receives the purchased collateral.
  • RETURN: No return, reverts on error.


Comet comet = Comet(0xCometAddress);
comet.buyCollateral(0xAssetAddress, 5e18, 5e18, 0xRecipient);

Ethers.js v5.x

const comet = new ethers.Contract(contractAddress, abiJson, provider);
await comet.buyCollateral('0xAssetAddress', 5e18, 5e18, '0xRecipient');

Ask Price

In order to repay the borrows of absorbed accounts, the protocol needs to sell the seized collateral. The Ask Price is the price of the asset to be sold at a discount (configured by governance). This function uses the price returned by the protocol’s price feed. The discount of the asset is derived from the StoreFrontPriceFactor and the asset’s LiquidationFactor using the following formula.

DiscountFactor = StoreFrontPriceFactor * (1e18 - Asset.LiquidationFactor)


function quoteCollateral(address asset, uint baseAmount) public view returns (uint)
  • address: The address of the asset which is being quoted.
  • amount: The amount of the base asset used to purchase discounted collateral, as an integer, scaled up by 10 to the “decimals” integer in the base asset’s contract.
  • RETURN: The amount of collateral asset that can be purchased using the base asset, as an integer, scaled up by 10 to the “decimals” integer in the collateral asset’s contract.


Comet comet = Comet(0xCometAddress);
uint askPrice = comet.quoteCollateral(0xERC20Address, 10000000000);

Ethers.js v5.x

const comet = new ethers.Contract(contractAddress, abiJson, provider);
const askPrice = await comet.callStatic.quoteCollateral('0xERC20Address', 1000000);

Liquidator Points

The protocol keeps track of the successful executions of absorb by tallying liquidator “points” and gas the liquidator has spent.


mapping(address => LiquidatorPoints) public liquidatorPoints;
  • address: The address of the liquidator account.
  • RETURN: A struct containing the stored data pertaining to the liquidator account.
  • numAbsorbs: A Solidity uint32 of the number of times absorb was successfully called.
  • numAbsorbed: A Solidity uint64 of the number of accounts successfully absorbed by the protocol as a result of the liquidators call to the absorb function.
  • approxSpend: A Solidity uint128 of the sum of all gas spent by the liquidator that has called the absorb function.


Comet comet = Comet(0xCometAddress);
LiquidatorPoints pointsData = comet.liquidatorPoints(0xLiquidatorAddress);

Ethers.js v5.x

const comet = new ethers.Contract(contractAddress, abiJson, provider);
const [ numAbsorbs, numAbsorbed, approxSpend ] = await comet.callStatic.liquidatorPoints('0xLiquidatorAddress');


Reserves are a balance of the base or collateral asset, stored internally in the protocol, which automatically protect users from bad debt. Reserves can also be withdrawn or used through the governance process.

Reserves are generated in two ways: the difference in interest paid by borrowers, and earned by suppliers of the base asset, accrue as reserves into the protocol. Second, the liquidation process uses, and can add to, protocol reserves based on the target reserve level set by governance.

Get Base Asset Reserves

This function returns the amount of protocol reserves for the base asset as an integer.


function getReserves() public view returns (int)
  • RETURNS: The amount of base asset stored as reserves in the protocol as an unsigned integer scaled up by 10 to the “decimals” integer in the asset’s contract.


Comet comet = Comet(0xCometAddress);
uint reserves = comet.getReserves();

Ethers.js v5.x

const comet = new ethers.Contract(contractAddress, abiJson, provider);
const reserves = await comet.callStatic.getReserves();

Get Collateral Asset Reserves

This function returns the amount of protocol reserves for the specified collateral asset as an integer.


function getCollateralReserves(address asset) public view returns (uint)
  • RETURNS: The amount of collateral asset stored as reserves in the protocol as an unsigned integer scaled up by 10 to the “decimals” integer in the collateral asset’s contract.


Comet comet = Comet(0xCometAddress);
uint reserves = comet.getCollateralReserves(0xCollateralAsset);

Ethers.js v5.x

const comet = new ethers.Contract(contractAddress, abiJson, provider);
const reserves = await comet.callStatic.getCollateralReserves(collateralAssetAddress);

Target Reserves

This immutable value represents the target amount of reserves of the base token. If the protocol holds greater than or equal to this amount of reserves, the buyCollateral function can no longer be successfully called.


function targetReserves() public view returns (uint)
  • RETURN: The target reserve value of the base asset as an integer, scaled up by 10 to the “decimals” integer in the base asset’s contract.


Comet comet = Comet(0xCometAddress);
uint targetReserves = comet.targetReserves();

Ethers.js v5.x

const comet = new ethers.Contract(contractAddress, abiJson, provider);
const targetReserves = await comet.callStatic.targetReserves();